الجمعة، 20 يونيو 2008

من هنا ، وهناك لثاني مرة.. من: أفغانستان ، شيلي ، الولايات المتحدة ، الهند ، اليونان ، جوايمالا ، كندا ، بولندا

Row of peppers
by Youth Director from Owensboro : Kentucky : Afghanistan

by Natalia Gil from Chile
by student girl of the herbs from honeywagon home : ca : United States
A trip through California, Oregon & State Washington in June 2008

on a re-discovery journey
The Hike
Another day, we took a hike into the Great Smoky Mountains. Tom, Fran, Katie, Bethany and I climbed up to a picturesque (and child-infested) waterfall
Ring Fingers
In ancient Greek culture, each one of the mounts at the top of the palm was represented by different a god.. And people back then would wear a ring on the associated finger to honor that particular god
For example, the thumb represents Poseidon, the god of the sea.. And he was very independent.. He was the only god who didn't live on Mount Olympus.. And the thumb kind of stands apart from the other fingers.. So people with thumb rings are generally independent thinkers who tend to do their own thing

Volcanes de Guatemala
Volcán Moyuta
Valley Weather
in Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec
Air Ambulance arrives on County Road 43

Life in the Ville
Tour of Farmer Sis's Farm:eggplant
The Wedding of Othello and Gree
This is a spot to celebrate Othello and Gree, and their upcoming wedding on June 21 2008

Hong Kong

Flashes do Euro 2008/Áustria-Suíça
Pretty Cinderella
Your Online Shopping Paradise
by Edyta from Wrocław : Poland
جاءني الرد التالي علي البريد الإلكتروني من أ.وائل عباس الصحفي وصاحب مدونة "الوعي المصرى":
"يا عم ده لبس قدماء الرومان
لبس اعضاء السيناتا او مجلس الشيوخ في روما القديمة"
ولا يسعني إلا أن أتوجه إليه بالشكر علي المبادرة بتصحيح هذه المعلومة..انظر مداخلات وائل عباس من خلال "تويتر"
Konfrontacje BBoying
Playing so nicely...except, Hannah couldn't keep her diaper on, and Elizabeth couldn't keep her hat on!

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