السبت، 21 يونيو 2008

من هنا ، وهناك.. من: البرازيل ، الولايات المتحدة ، الهند ، تايلاند

2º anos A e B
by Simone Guisalberti ,Professora from Sapucaia do Sul : RS : Brazil

Grandma and the Girls
Wax Lips
Tula Misses Her Sisters While They are at School September 2007- First Day of School
Blue Doors

area of Birmingham : Alabama : United States, offers French cuisine and outdoor dining
by an Americanfemaile, former teacher , photographer, sometime artist, lover of all things French, and grandmother to 5 delightful grandchildren..I have lived in Birmingham most of my life

Eggless Chocolate Cake with Mocha Icing
by Divya (female) Homemaker from India

There is no sight on earth more appealing than the sight of a woman making dinner for someone she loves. Thomas Wolfe
Learn to craft an easy, cheap airplane and play it with the remote control
Put the pattern on the foam and draw the line for cutting...etc

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